Due to a variety of wildlife issues demanding the time of biologists, the Wisconsin Beaver Managment Task Force was on a bit of a hiatus until fall 2013. Nevertheless, work was being done to draft the new narrative and recommendations in the updated plan. The Task Force met January 8, 2014 to review a portion of the draft and provide another round of comments. The Task Force is set to meet again on March 4, 2014 from 9:30-3:30 at the Howard Johnson’s Inn and Conference Center in Wausau at 2101 North Mountain Road, Exit #190 on I-39/US 51. For lodging, please call 1-715-842-0711 or 1-800-221-5801. If you have questions about the meeting, please contact Wisconsin DNR Furbearer Ecologist, John Olson, at 715-685-2934.