2022 Organic Vegetable Production Conference

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For immediate access to all 2022 video recordings, presentations, and handouts!

Only $50 for the full conference ($40 for FairShare Farms)

February 3, 4, 7, & 8, 2022  Ι  Online

Thanks for a great conference everyone!

This producer-initiated conference is designed for advanced growers and attracts participants from throughout the Midwest and beyond.  Participants who register by January 6 will receive a conference packet with handouts and swag through the mail BEFORE the conference.  Those who register after January 6 may receive the packet before or AFTER the conference.  All sessions will be over Zoom.


Esta conferencia respaldada por productores se basa en el intercambio de habilidades de agricultor a agricultor, tiene su sede en el Medio Oeste estadounidense, y ahora incluye a agricultores de todo el condado. Llame a Javiera Morales al 608-224-3704 para obtener asistencia con la traducción en español.


Qhov kev tuaj koom kawm uake es yog cov neeg tsim qoob loo-yog cov pib es siv cov tswv teb tej yam lawv paub kom lawv sib qhia, qhov chaw nov nyob rau ib cheeb tsam ntawm Midwest, thiab tam sim muaj cov tswv qoob loo los koom es nyob thoob plaws hauv cov zos county. Hu rau Claire Strader ntawm 608-234-1561 rau kev pab rau npe ua lus Hmoob.


Click to view the conference video trailer.


“Best Midwest conference, loaded with advanced growers sharing trade secrets.  A definite level up to any organic vegetable grower.”  – Caleb Trainer, Winterspring Farm


“I come to this conference with questions that are answered by the time I leave.  This is now how I look forward to starting the season.” – Meg Kelly, High Meadow Farm


“The handouts alone are worth the cost of the conference. Side by side comparisons of farms of different sizes/contexts with VERY comprehensive prompts/questions.”  – Evan Barry, Down River Farm


“I love this conference because it fills the ‘pro-level’ niche.”   – Katie Bishop, PrairiErth Farm


Sessions / Sesiones / Program cov Lus Qhia

Click to see full final program and schedule

Spinach / Espinacas / Zaub Spinach

  • Paul & Sandy Arnold, Pleasant Valley Farm, NY
  • Tenzin Botsford, Red Door Family Farm, WI
Sweet Potatoes / Batatas / Qos Qab Zib

  • James Nisly, Organic Greens LLC, IA
  • Laura Mortimore, Orange Cat Community Farm, WI
Broccoli / Brócoli / Zaub Broccoli

  • Nate Drummond, Six River Farm, ME
  • Abby Benson, Featherstone Farm, MN

Vegetable sessions provide detailed production information from variety selection to post-harvest handling enhanced by photos from the field and specific to various scales. There are two farmer presenters, working at different scales, for each session.  Participants receive handouts detailing the systems of each of the presenters, including everything from germination techniques to crop spacing, equipment used, disease and pest control, and more.


Esta sesión proporcionará información detallada sobre la producción, desde la selección de variedades hasta el manejo poscosecha, reforzada con fotografías del campo y específica para una variedad de escalas.  Los participantes recibirán un folleto que detalla los sistemas de cada uno de los presentadores, que incluye todo, desde técnicas de germinación hasta espaciamiento de cultivos, equipos, control de plagas y enfermedades y más.


Chav kev kawm nov yuav muaj cov kev qhia txog cov teb los ntawm ntau daim teb es raug xaiv thiab tom qab sau cov qoob loo tag yuav tu li cas es yog thaij duab ntawm daim teb thiab tsi ntsees rau cov teb loj thiab me. Cov neeg tuaj koom yuav tau txais ib daim ntawv handout qhia txog cov tswv yim los ntawm ib tug neeg tuaj hais lus twg, nrog rau txhua yam xws li cov tswv yim qhia thaum pib ua yub mus rau yuav cog sib nrug deb li cas thiab cov cuab yeej siv ua teb mus rau tswj cov kab mob thiab kab es noj qoob loo thiab ntau yam.


Farmer Quality of Life 

Production, markets, and financials are all essential to running a successful farm.  Sometimes we can be so absorbed with those basics that we overlook the core importance of quality of life in our farm success.  From his travels to hundreds of farms over the years, Ariel has seen every type of farm work: big, small, diversified, mechanized and everything in between. One unifying factor that shows up in all those very different farms is how the farmer’s well-being is an indicator of overall success.  Illustrated with examples from real farms across the county, Ariel will help us think through the components of farmer quality of life and how to improve it.

Ariel Pressman, Real Organic Project, MN


Calidad de vida del agricultor

La producción, los mercados y las finanzas son esenciales para manejar una granja con éxito. A veces podemos estar tan absortos con esos conceptos básicos que pasamos por alto la importancia fundamental de la calidad de vida en el éxito de nuestra granja.  Gracias a sus viajes a cientos de granjas que trabajan para el proyecto Real Organic Project, Ariel ha visto todo tipo de trabajo agrícola: grande, pequeño, diversificado, mecanizado y demás. Un factor unificador que aparece en todas esas operaciones tan diferentes es cómo el bienestar del agricultor es un indicador del éxito general.  Ilustrado con ejemplos de granjas reales en todo el país, así como con su propia experiencia vivida, Ariel nos ayudará a desmenuzar los componentes de la calidad de vida de los agricultores, y cómo mejorarla.

Ariel Pressman, Real Organic Project, MN


Tswv Teb Lub Neej Kom Zoo

Qhov chaw tsim qoob loo, taj laj muag qoob loo, thiab nyiaj txiag yog tag nrho cov tseem ceeb yuav tau muaj los khiav kom tau ib daim teb kom tiav lug. Ntawm qhov nws tau ncig mus saib li ntawm ib puas tawm daim teb es hauj lwm rau qhov projec tsim cov qoob loo tsis tua tshuaj hu ua Real Organic Project, Ariel twb yeej tau pom tag nrho txhua hom teb: loj, me, thiab ntau hom qoob loo sib xyaws daws, cov cuab yeej siv ua teb thiab txhua yam. Ib qho es pom tau tias yeej tshwm sim rau tag nrho rau cov chaw es tsim cov qoob loo yog qhov kev noj qab nyob zoo ntawm tus tswv teb yog ib qho qhia tau tias txhua yam yeej ua tau tiav lug. Cov duab es qhia pom nov yog cov piv txwv ntawm cov teb tiag tiag thoob plaws hauv lub teb chaws nrog rau nws lub neej yav tag los ntawm nws tus kheej, Ariel yuav pab peb xav txog cov tseem ceeb ntawm cov tswv teb lub neej kom nyob tau zoo dua thiab yuav ua cas thiaj li txhim kho kom tau zoo dua.

Ariel Pressman, Real Organic Project, MN

Keeping Employees Coming Back

Finding and keeping skilled employees is a challenge that many farmers can relate to. The constant cycle of hiring, training, and hiring again takes time, energy, and money, while making it difficult for farmers to step back, reassess, and refine systems for efficiency and sustainability. Stacey Botsford of Red Door Family Farm and Jim Crawford of New Morning Farm have taken different approaches to this issue and both have found solutions that positively impact labor retention on their farms. 

Stacey Botsford, Red Door Family Farm, WI

Jim Crawford, New Morning Farm, PA


Hacer que los empleados regresen

Encontrar y mantener empleados capacitados es un desafío con el que muchos agricultores pueden identificarse. El ciclo constante de contratación, capacitación y contratación nuevamente requiere tiempo, energía y dinero; esto dificulta a los agricultores dar un paso atrás, reevaluar y afinar los sistemas para lograr eficiencia y sostenibilidad. Stacey Botsford de Red Door Family Farm y Jim Crawford de New Morning Farm han adoptado diferentes enfoques a este problema, y ambos han encontrado soluciones que tienen un impacto positivo en la retención de mano de obra en sus granjas. 

Stacey Botsford, Red Door Family Farm, WI
Jim Crawford, New Morning Farm, PA
Ceev Kom Cov Neeg Ua Hauj Lwm Rov Qab TuajQhov es phej ib sij tau nrhiav neeg ua hauj lwm tshiab, muab lawv xyaum kom lawv paub, thiab rov qab nrhiav neeg ua hauj dua tshiab mas siv sij hawm heev, siv lub zog, thiab nyiaj txiag, thaum uas nyuaj rau cov tswv teb thaub ib kauj ruam rov qab, rov soj ntsuam xyuas dua, thiab kho lawv qhov kev lawv khiav hauj lwm kom zoo dua thiab kom siv tau ntev ntev mus. Stacey Botsford of Red Door Family Farm thiab Jim Crawford of New Morning Farm yeej tau siv ib qho tswv yim tshiab rau cov teeb meem nov thiab nkawd ob leeg yeej nrhiav tau lub tswv yim daws tau qhov teeb meem nov es ceev tau cov neeg ua hauj lwm rau lawv daim teb. Stacey Botsford, Red Door Family Farm, WI

Jim Crawford, New Morning Farm, PA

Building Intercultural Competence for Farm Employers

It can be challenging to work across cultural differences in any workplace.  As employers who tend to work closely with those they employ, farmers especially can benefit by building skills in intercultural communication.  This session will expand your take on culture and give you real tools to work with people on your farm.   

Cassie Noltnerwyss, Crossroads Community Farm, WI

Claire Strader, Extension Dane County, WI


Desarrollar la competencia intercultural como empleadores

Puede ser un desafío trabajar con diferencias culturales en cualquier lugar de trabajo. Como empleadores que tienden a trabajar en estrecha colaboración con quienes emplean, los agricultores pueden beneficiarse especialmente al desarrollar habilidades en la comunicación intercultural. Esta sesión ampliará su visión de la cultura y le brindará herramientas reales para trabajar con personas en su granja. 

Cassie Noltnerwyss, Crossroads Community Farm, WI

Claire Strader, Extension Dane County, WI


Tsim kom txhua lub tuam txhab ua hauj lwm paub Lwm Haiv Neeg

Nws yog ib qho nyuaj ua hauj lwm nrog ntau hom neeg sib txawv ntawm txhua qhov chaw ua hauj lwm. Yog ib lub tuam txhab ua hauj lwm es yog cov nyiam ua hauj lwm ze nrog cov neeg lawv ntiav tuaj ua hauj lwm rau lawv, cov tswv teb yeej yuav tau txais kev txiaj ntsim es yog tsim kom paub txog kev sib tham ntawm ntau hom neeg ua hauj lwm uake. Chav kawm nov yuav ua rau koj qhov xav txog lwm haiv neeg kom dav zog thiab yuav muab cov tswv yim rau koj kom koj ua tau hauj lwm nrog cov neeg hauv koj daim teb. 

Cassie Noltnerwyss, Crossroads Community Farm, WI

Claire Strader, Extension Dane County, WI

Vegetable Variety Round Tables

Excellent varieties are central to successful organic vegetable production, which is what makes this session perennially popular.  This year representatives from three major organic seed suppliers will introduce their picks for new and old varieties particularly suited to organic production. Then we will split into smaller breakout groups for focused discussion by crop family.

Rebecca Morse, Osborne Quality Seeds

Paul Feenan, High Mowing Seeds

Adrienne Shelton, Vitalis Organic Seeds

Julie Dawson, University of Wisconsin – Madison, Department of Horticulture


Mesas redondas sobre variedades vegetales

Las excelentes variedades son fundamentales para la producción exitosa de vegetales orgánicos, que es lo que hace a esta sesión siempre popular. Este año, representantes de tres importantes proveedores de semillas orgánicas presentarán sus selecciones para variedades nuevas y antiguas especialmente adecuadas para la producción orgánica. Luego, nos dividiremos en grupos de trabajo más pequeños, para un análisis más detallado por familia de cultivos.

Rebecca Morse, Osborne Quality Seeds

Paul Feenan, High Mowing Seeds

Adrienne Shelton, Vitalis Organic Seeds

Julie Dawson, University of Wisconsin – Madison, Department of Horticulture


Kev Sib Tham Saum Rooj Txog Ntau Hom Zaub

Qhov es muaj ntau cov qoob loo zoo tshaj plaws (Excellent varieties) yog cov chaw tsim qoob loo es tsim cov tsis siv tshuaj tua kab es tsim tau tiav lug, es thiaj li ua rau chav kawm nov mas muaj neeg coob heev los kawm txhua xyoo. Xyoo nov cov neeg sawv cev rau peb lub tuam txhab os es tsim cov noob txiv es tsis siv tshuaj tua yuav tuaj qhia txog qhov lawv xaiv ntawm cov tshiab thiab cov qub es haum rau cov chaw es cog cov qoob loo tsis siv tshuaj tua. Tag ces peb mam li faib tawm mus rau cov chav ua tej pawg breakout kom muaj kev sib tham tsi ntsees rau tej hom qoob loo.

Rebecca Morse, Osborne Quality Seeds

Paul Feenan, High Mowing Seeds

Adrienne Shelton, Vitalis Organic Seeds

Julie Dawson, University of Wisconsin – Madison, Department of Horticulture

Live Demonstrations / Demostraciones / Qhia Kom Paub

  • Food Safety Fixes / Correcciones sobre seguridad alimentaria / Kho Kom Muaj Kev Puaj Phais Rau Zaub Mov Noj

Take a pack shed video tour and discuss both quick fixes to common problems and possibilities for deeper modifications.

Dan Fillius, Iowa State University Extension and Outreach, IA


  • Task Management Systems / Sistemas de gestión de tareas / Kev Tswj Dej Num hu ua Task Management Systems

Staying organized on the farm is both a science and art. We will walk through various tools to help with task management, from the very low-tech to more complex, app-based systems.

Sarah Janes Ugoretz, FairShare CSA Coalition, WI

Social XLV & Hallways

Hallway break outs for any time you want to connect outside of a formal session.


Post-session social time for connecting with other farmers freely or though optional games and themes

  • Optional Game:  Farm Tool Tournament  This single elimination tournament is designed to reveal the most important farm tool for 2022! Fill out the paper bracket in your packet and be ready to cast your votes throughout this session.  Facilitated by John Hendrickson, Center for Integrated Agricultural Systems, UW-Madison.
  • Optional Theme:  Mechanical Weed Control  Talk shop with other pros about mechanical weed control. We will start with videos of tools at work in the field and then discuss dialing in cultivation setups and the systems for keeping weeds suppressed.  Facilitated by Sam Oschwald-Tilton, Lakeshore Technical College
  • Optional Theme:  Optimizing Onion Thrip Management  The association between thrips and bacterial bulb rot is not well understood. A promising new thrips-resistant onion cultivar may reduce thrips infestations and thereby potentially reduce bulb rots leading to higher bulb yields. Learn about the performance of this cultivar on an organic farm over three years.  Presented by Pin-Chu Lai, Cornell University.



Click to Register! 

Real-time conference participation has past.  Click at the top of the page to register for immediate access to all recordings and resources.


Early Bird by December 15 Regular by February 3
Full Conference = $50 Full Conference = $75

Conference packets with handouts and swag will be snail mailed to all attendees.

Register by January 6 to receive the conference packet BEFORE the conference.

Those who register after January 6 may receive the packet before or AFTER the conference.


Scholarships / Becas / Nyiaj Pab

Hay becas de inscripción disponibles para productores inmigrantes y de comunidades cuyas raza y etnia tienen poca representación. La asignación de becas es por orden de llegada. La beca para la conferencia completa es de $65.

Con una beca, la tarifa de inscripción para los productores es:  Conferencia completa = $10

¡Inscríbase para obtener una beca!

Thov rau npe tsis pub dhau Lub Ib Hlis Ntuj Tim 13.

Muaj Nyiaj Pab Them Nqi Rau Npe rau cov neeg cog zaub uas khiav teb chaws thiab cov neeg cog zaub uas los hauv ib pawg uas txawv haiv thiab haiv neeg tsawg uas tsis muaj neeg sawv cev txaus uas raws qhov leej twg xub tuaj, leej twg xub tau.Nyiaj pab rau tag nrho ob hnub sib tham yog $110. Nyiaj pab rau ib hnub xwb yog $60.

Nrog qhov nyiaj pab, tus nqi rau npe rau cov neeg cog zaub yog:  Tag Nrho Ob Hnub Sib Tham = $10

Rau npe thov nyiaj pab ntawm no!

Registration Scholarships are available for immigrant growers and growers from historically underrepresented communities (Native American, Black, Latinx, Hmong, etc.) on a first come, first serve basis. Full conference scholarship is $65.  If you are unsure if you qualify for a scholarship contact strader.claire@countyofdane.com.

With a scholarship, the registration fee for growers is:  Full Conference = $10

Click to register with a scholarship!

Register > Enter Promo Code > Scholarship2022

Language Access / Acceso a Idiomas / Kev Siv Lus

  • Llame a Javiera Morales al 608-224-3704 para obtener asistencia con la traducción en español.
  • Llame a Claire Strader al 608-234-1561 para obtener asistencia con la traducción en miao.
  • Habrá interpretación simultánea en miao y español para quienes lo necesiten.
  • Nuestro compromiso es promover la agricultura orgánica entre las minorías y las familias de inmigrantes. Puede inscribir a un invitado adicional de la familia para que asista a la conferencia de manera gratuita.

La University of Wisconsin-Extension proporciona acción afirmativa e igualdad de oportunidades en educación, programas y empleo para todas las personas calificadas, sin tener en cuenta la raza, color, género, credo, discapacidad, religión, origen nacional, ascendencia, edad, orientación sexual, gravidez, estado civil o de paternidad, historial de detención o condena, o estado de veterano de guerra.

  • Hu rau Claire Strader ntawm 608-234-1561 rau kev pab rau npe ua lus Hmoob.
  • Hu rau Javiera Morales ntawm 608-224-3704 rau kev pab rau npe ua lus Mev.
  • Muaj kev txhais lus tib lub sij hawm ua lus Hmoob thiab lus Mev, yog xav tau.
  • Peb muaj kev ruaj siab los txhawb kev cog zaub uas tsis siv chiv ntawm cov neeg tsawg thiab cov neeg khiav teb chaws. Koj rau npe tau rau ib tug neeg hauv tsev neeg ntxiv tuaj koom lub rooj sib tham dawb.

Lub Tsev Kawm Ntawv Qib Siab (University of Wisconsin-Extension) pab rau tsoom fwv kev pom zoo thiab ncaj ncees nyob rau kev kawm ntaub ntawv, kev pab cuam thiab kev ua hauj lwm rau tag nrho cov neeg tsim nyog ua tau tsis tas hais yog haiv neeg twg, xim tawv nqaij twg, poj niam txiv neej, kev ntseeg, cov neeg puas cev xws li tes taw, kev ntseeg ntuj, kev tuaj txawv teb chaws tuaj, kev poj koob yawm txwv, hnub nyoog, kev xaiv ntawm kev daj dee, kev xeeb tub, kev muaj txij nkawm los yog ua niam txiv, kev rau txhom los yog muaj txim raug kaw los yog ua qub tub rog.

The University of Wisconsin-Extension provides affirmative action and equal opportunity in education, programming and employment for all qualified persons regardless of race, color, gender, creed, disability, religion, national origin, ancestry, age, sexual orientation, pregnancy, marital or parental, arrest or conviction record or veteran status.


Fairshare CSA Coalition



Presenting Sponsors















 Register to be a Sponsor
or contact strader.claire@countyofdane.com for information