Recovering TARP Funding

The U.S. Treasury reports that, as of March 24th of 2011, those participating in TARP have repaid $250.8 billion of the $411 billion they received through TARP. The Treasury has received another $37 billion in interest, dividends and capital gains on their investments in these companies. In total, $287.8 billion (70%) of the money dispersed through TARP has been recovered


Restating the Unemployment Rate

The official unemployment rate (U-3) in Wisconsin in September was 7.8 percent. U-3 includes those people who do not have a job, are available for work, and have actively looked for work in the last four weeks. A broader measure (U-6) includes those people who want work and are available for work, but are discouraged and have not actively looked for employment in the past four weeks.


Comparing Per Capita Income

In 2004, per capita income in the Madison metropolitan statistical area (MSA) was the highest among the state’s metro areas. This snapshot gives a comparison with WIsconsin’s other MSAs.


Impact of National Trends

Shift share analysis provides a mechanism to allocate growth or decline in local emplyment to three factors: the national economy, the local economy and specific local industries.