Interactive Media for Your Website or Canvas Course

Giving our audience short and engaging digital learning experiences is a concept called “microlearning.”  We have embraced microlearning because it decreases cognitive load, increases retention, and keeps our audience engaged with our content! We do this by using a tool called H5P. H5P allows us to create a wide range of interactive content, including quizzes, flip cards, drag-and-drop tasks, interactive presentations, and more. These interactive elements not only make learning more engaging and enjoyable but also help reinforce key concepts and improve retention!

Check out some of the types of content you can create; including 360° Virtual Tours, Game Maps, Interactive Books, Timelines, Branching Scenarios, Interactive Videos, etc. Get some hands-on exploration by interacting with these educator-created samples below!

Interactive Content Examples

The following examples have all been created by Extension educators.

Tractor Safety Operations (Game Map)

Farm Pulse Grain Marketing (Agamotto)

screenshot of grow green viewer

Youth Protection Interactive Video

Integrated Pest Management

Wisconsin State Capitol and State Street, Madison (Virtual Tour) (proof of concept)

Sample Extension Websites that use interactive content

If you are interested in creating interactive content for your website or Canvas course, please contact Christine Rybak to get started!

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