“You can do it!”

scrabble-to-do-3299Children’s abilities and needs change as they develop. Behaviors that were once acceptable, like throwing food on the floor, become less acceptable as we expect our children to better manage their feelings and make smarter choices. Parents play an important role in helping children become more responsible.

Be an eParent®! For younger children especially, create a list of the child’s things on your phone and help your child check it when moving between homes. You might even want to take pictures of the things your child needs to pack to help children who can’t read yet be more responsible. Older children can keep a list you make together on their own phone.

Young children can feel a sense of ownership and accomplishment when they check off items they are supposed to do. As an added benefit to mom or dad, they also cannot claim “I forgot” or “I didn’t know.” With older children, the process of following through on responsibilities creates a level of independence and helps them practice valuable decision making skills (e.g., “Do I pack first or play this video game?”)

Do you have lists set up for your children already but they don’t take responsibility? Learn more about how you can use natural and logical consequences to teach responsibility.

Learn more about the University of Wisconsin – Madison/Extension Human Development & Relationships Institute online or on Facebook.

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