Ox·y·mo·ron: noun, a figure of speech indicating a seemingly self-contradictory effect, as in “jumbo shrimp” or “wise child.”

By Susie Wyshak on Flickr

By Susie Wyshak on Flickr

While it might seem like a contradiction, children’s thinking skills are growing in their preteen years. Provide opportunities that help your preteen or teen practice decision-making.

Be an eParent®! Involve your teen in making rules when using digital media such as the amount of screen time or the selection of video games.

Digital media is a part of everyday life. In fact, the average 8- to 18-year-old in America spends over 7 hours a day using entertainment media. Rather than ban digital media use, negotiate household rules on what is appropriate use in your home. For instance, limit screen time not related to school work to 1 hour per day. By sharing the decision-making process with your teen, he or she will learn the skills to make better decisions in the future. Teens will also be more likely to abide by house rules they help create.

You and your teen can use resources like Common Sense Media’s reviews of electronics, games and movies to make decisions together.

To learn more contact UW-Extension Family Living Programs or like Family Living on Facebook.

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