Healthy Soil, Healthy Water Workshop
Thursday, March 22, 2018
8:30 a.m. – 3:00 p.m.
UW-Marshfield/Wood County
2000 W. 5th Street | Marshfield, WI
At the Healthy Soil, Healthy Water Workshop, farmers and others in the Wisconsin River Basin will hear firsthand from individuals involved in locally-led efforts to build soil health, conserve nutrients, reduce erosion, and improve water quality.
Keynote speakers will share context for our local healthy soil, healthy water efforts. Morning talks will address the broader issue of healthy soils (what they are and why they impact your bottom line), the Wisconsin River water quality project, and success stories from producer-led groups across the state. Afternoon speakers and panels will address on-farm efforts to improve soil health, and ways that communities can build local partnerships to grow the healthy soil movement.
AGENDA (Printable Flyer (pdf))
8:30AM Registration (Registration link- registration fee $25 includes hot lunch, snacks, and materials)
9:00 AM Welcome: Rebecca Bauer- UW Wood County
9:15 AM Andy Bensend, Farmer Dallas, WI
Healthy Soil = Healthy Farms = Healthy Waters
10:00 AM Scott Provost, Wisconsin DNR
Restoring the Wisconsin River – We All Play a Role
10:30 AM Rachel Rushmann, WI DATCP
Success Stories from Wisconsin Producer-Led Councils*
11:00 AM Morning Breakout Sessions
Breakout A Topic: Agro-economics of Soil Health (Andy Bensend, Bazooka FarmStar, Paul Mitchell)
Breakout B Topic: Building Lasting Partnerships (John Eron, Rick Georgeson, Jason Cavadini)
1:00 PM Afternoon Breakout Sessions
Breakout A Topic: Agro-economics of Soil Health (Andy Bensend, Bazooka FarmStar, Paul Mitchell)
Breakout B Topic: Building Lasting Partnerships (John Eron, Rick Georgeson, Jason Cavadini)
2:00 PM NRCS Rainfall Simulator
2:45PM Closing remarks
3:00PM Adjourn