Addressing Economic Inequities by Building Financial Capability

Managing money on a low or fixed income is difficult. When housing, utility, transportation, grocery, and credit expenses are due, it can be overwhelming to plan for emergencies, analyze spending habits, and set long-term financial goals. However, financial skills are important at all stages of life, and Extension Financial Capability programming empowers low-income Wisconsinites through […]

Building Positive Youth-Adult Partnerships through 4-H

Young people are the next generation of leaders, and Wisconsin 4-H is engaging them in meaningful learning activities in order to thrive as adults. “4-H has impacted my children for a lifetime of self-discovery and growth. It has helped them to see challenges as a good opportunity,” a parent of 4-H members in Menominee County […]

Benefitting Communities through Leadership Development

Wisconsin’s communities face complex challenges such as access to broadband and child care, which require effective leadership at the organizational level. However, communities face a leadership void. UW–Madison Extension’s Organizational and Leadership Development Program fosters leadership that is rooted in inclusive processes and drives purposeful action to benefit Wisconsin’s communities. Extension delivers leadership development programs […]

Strengthening Local Elected Officials’ Capacity

An increasingly polarized political environment has inspired new candidates to seek elected office — over 20 percent of municipal and county officials on average are newly elected during any particular two-year period. Newly elected officials need a trustworthy source of information in order to understand their duties and responsibilities. UW–Madison Extension’s Local Government Education Program […]

Preparing Youth for Community Leadership

Young people are often left out of positions of power and decision-making spaces. UW–Madison Extension’s Community Youth Development Program strengthens community environments by building the capacity of schools and other organizations to address issues that affect young people and prepare them for community leadership. In 2022, Extension educators engaged nearly 600 partner organizations across the […]

Supporting Small Businesses and Entrepreneurs

Entrepreneurship brings many benefits to Wisconsin communities, including job and income growth and overall economic stability. Additionally, it supports the development of a community identity and improves residents’ quality of life. However, the success of entrepreneurs is hindered by a lack of business development assistance and weakened entrepreneurial ecosystems. UW–Madison Extension’s Community Economic Development Program […]

Supporting Children, Parents and Caregivers During Family Transitions

From welcoming a new child to the separation or divorce of parents, all families adjust to transitions throughout life. During these big changes, parenting stress is common and can lead to strained parent-child relationships and adjustment difficulties in children. Extension’s Family Engagement and Relationships program provides in-person and virtual educational support to Wisconsin’s parents and […]

Planning to Ensure a Viable Business

Many Wisconsin farmers are approaching retirement age and are considering a succession plan — identifying the individual(s) who will take over the farm’s operations — to protect their farm and their legacy. UW–Madison Extension provides agriculture service providers with the resources they need to address farmers’ challenges around succession planning. These resources are designed to […]

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