Fried Green Tomatoes


Store Name Fried Green Tomatoes

Business Type Restaurants (Food Service and Drinking Places)

NAICS Code 722

Location 213 N. Main St., Galena, IL 61036

Nearby Businesses n/a

Owner/Manager Fred and Mari-Kristin Bonnet

Special Store Activities n/a

Year Opened n/a


Phone 815.777.3938

E-mail n/a

Community Profile Galena, Illinois, (Population: 3,460; 10 mile radius population: 14,576) located in the north western corner of Illinois, is a popular tourist destination known for its history, historical architecture, as well as its ski and golf resorts. Downtown Galena is home to a fully restored vibrant 1800s downtown, with 85% of the structures in the city listed on the National Register of Historic Places. Galena is approximately 20 minutes southeast of Dubuque Iowa and 3 hours west of Chicago.

Products Sold & Niche Developed

Fried Green Tomatoes serves upscale Italian cuisine, including a wide assortment of pastas, steaks, seafood, veal, chicken, soups, sandwiches, pizza, and wine. Fried Green Tomatoes won the Wine Spectator Award of Excellence in 2007, which is awarded to restaurants who have the most outstanding wine lists in the World.

Market Segments Served

Fried Green Tomatoes is a destination restaurant in Downtown Galena that draws heavily from seasonal tourists and second home owners, although it is very popular among residents as well. Fried Green Tomatoes is known for its excellent customer service.

Contributions to the Business Community

Fried Green Tomatoes occupies a historic building built in 1838. Ulysses S. Grant once owned this building and ran a leather business with his father. Fried Green Tomatoes is visited by tourists and regulars seeking the sense of history and appreciation of period architecture. The building has been carefully restored by the Bonnets, using the history of the building as part of the dining experience. Fried Green Tomatoes is a cornerstone of historic downtown Galena and is immensely popular with both local residents and visitors alike.



Review by: Joshua Clements, UW Extension CCED