Welcome to the Local Government Center’s Program Archive!
UW-Extension’s Local Government Center provides focus, coordination, and leadership to UW System educational programs supporting local government, and works to expand the research and knowledge base for local government education. As part of our mission, we offer educational teleconferences and workshops throughout the year.
After each teleconference has occurred, we convert the audio portion of the program into streaming audio or an audio file that can be sent to you on a USB flash/thumb drive. If you can’t attend the live program or wish to access the audio afterward, you can purchase the program and listen to it at your leisure. You’ll also be able to download and print the same materials packet that teleconference or webinar participants receive.
Programs presented in 2018 are only available for purchase through our Local Government Center office on a USB thumb/flash drive. Each program on the past program pages will indicate if the program is available as a streaming audio on the Internet or would be sent to you on a USB thumb/flash drive. Please call our office to place an order for those programs – 608-262-9961 or 608-262-9960.
How to Order
On our Local Government Center website we have listed upcoming and past programs. Once you’ve reviewed the list of available teleconference programs and selected your sessions, (programs prior to 2018) you’ll visit UW Extension’s Learning Store website to purchase access, at a cost of $28 per session. Please note that orders are not processed instantly; it may take up to 24 hours for your order to be completed.
After your order has been processed by The Learning Store, you will receive an e-mail with access instructions for each session attached as a PDF file. Simply click on the link in the attachment and enter the password provided in the attachment.
System Requirements
Because the streaming audio file is relatively large (typically between 10-15 Mb), you need a high-speed internet connection. If you are a dial-up user, it may be easier for you to purchase a hard-copy materials bundle with a USB thumbdrive of the audio portion of the program instead of the streaming audio.
The programs work on both Windows and Mac OS X operating systems, and work with a standard browser such as Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox, or Safari. You can test the audioplayer in this post to be sure it will work for you. (We have found that Internet Explorer is the most compatible browser for the audiostream player.)
For the audio portion, you’ll need a recent version of Adobe Flash Player, a standard browser plug-in for streaming media. If you don’t already have it installed, you can get it for free from Adobe.
For the materials document, you’ll need a PDF viewer such as Adobe Reader. It’s also available for free from Adobe.
Contact Information:
Local Government Center
610 Langdon Street, Lowell Center
Madison, WI 53703
Phone: 608-262-9960 or 608-262-9961
Email: lgc@uwex.edu