Are there alternatives for funding economic and community development programming in an era of levy limits and stressed budgets? A Business Improvement District (BID) may be one such funding mechanism. Find out the basics about creating these special assessment districts and how they have been used by communities throughout the state since 1984.
Moderated by Philip Freeburg, Local Government Center. Presented by Charles Law, Ph.D., Local Government Center Director.
Handout – PDF
This program for staff and members of local plan commissions, county planning and zoning committees and zoning boards of appeal/adjustment covers aspects of the open meetings law, ethics and conflicts of interest laws, and concepts of fairness in decision-making.
Moderated and presented by Philip Freeburg, J.D., Local Government Center, with comments by Brian Ohm, J.D., Department of Urban and Regional Planning, UW-Extension, Madison.
Handout – PDF