For the 2019-20 school year, the “After the Bell” program will begin on Monday, September 9, 2019. This free program is available for all middle school students whether they attend public or parochial school from 3:05 – 5 p.m. Monday through Thursday in Room 118 (enter the school through Door 14) at the Prairie River Middle School on regular school days. The program offers middle school youth a safe, easily accessible place to go after school where they have the opportunity to participate in positive enrichment activities and to learn new skills. Participants are supervised by an adult supervisor(s) with assistance from community volunteers and high school students as available. Each day the program offers students a place to choose to participate in enrichment activities, do their homework, play board games, visit with friends, and/or have a snack. Students do not need to attend the program every day but can choose which days they wish to attend.
If students are interested in participating, information and required forms are available in the Prairie River Middle School office, T.B. Scott Library, the UW-Madison Division of Extension Lincoln County office or the first day they attend the program. Forms are also available on the UW-Madison Division of Extension Lincoln County website After the Bell Program page. Completed forms must be turned in the second time you attend the program.
To keep the cost of the program free to participants, the program relies on the generosity and support of the local community to fund the program expenses. Funds are needed for supplies and paying staff who provide daily supervision of this year’s program. In trying to keep our budget low, we are seeking volunteers to help supervise or lead enrichment activities for participants, whether a one-time or a regular basis.
If you are interested in volunteering or in making a donation to the “After the Bell” 2019-20 school year program, please contact Ann Stoeckmann, Program Coordinator at (715) 536-3016 or via e-mail at or Debbie Moellendorf at the UW-Madison Division of Extension Lincoln County office at (715) 539-1077 or via e-mail at