Calling all new leaders!!

Are you a new leader?

In order to initially be recognized as a 4-H volunteer leader in the Wisconsin 4-H Youth Development program, all adults age 18 years and over must participate in the Youth Protection Program.  The purpose of this training is to ensure the safety and well-being of all participants.  VIP training is Step 4 of 4 to become a certified leader in 4-H.

Steps to become a certified 4-H leader:

  1. Enroll on 4-HOnline to become a leader
  2. Complete background check
  3. Complete the Mandated Reporter training found on 4-H Online
  4. Complete Volunteers in Training (VIP) Training.

There are two upcoming opportunities to participate in VIP Training!

January 15, 2020
January 25, 2020
Merrill Extension Office Peace Lutheran School
700 Lincoln Street, Antigo
6:00 pm – 8:00 pm 9:00 am – 10:45 am

To register call: Merrill Extension office (715) 539-1072 OR Antigo Extension office (715) 627-6236.

Click on the flyer for more information!