Looking for a perfect outdoor STEM-based project for a club or family? Want to help preserve the wondrous Wisconsin wilderness?
Become a Water Action Volunteer and ADOPT A RIVER!
Lincoln County 4-H has been contacted to see if any of our members, clubs, or families would be interested in becoming part of the the Water Action Volunteers Stream Monitoring Program.
Water Action Volunteers (WAV) is a statewide program for Wisconsin citizens who want to learn about and improve the quality of Wisconsin’s streams and rivers. The program is coordinated through a partnership between the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources and the University of Wisconsin – Cooperative Extension.
There are three levels of Water Action Volunteers Stream Monitoring Program. In addition, the program offers a variety of water-related educational materials for educators.Individual citizens, environmental groups, students and other volunteer groups are participating in WAV programs across the state.
Level 1 Volunteer Stream Monitoring
Citizens’ groups from throughout Wisconsin are using Water Action Volunteers’ sampling protocols to monitor the health of their hometown streams and rivers. Entry level volunteers monitor dissolved oxygen, temperature, transparency, stream flow, habitat, and macro invertebrates between May and October. There are several program goals:
- that Wisconsin citizens will monitor stream and river health.
- to support data sharing for educational purposes.
- to provide a network for volunteer groups, individuals, and schools to interact.
- to provide support for civic conservation and environmental groups.
- to help increase linkages between volunteer monitoring efforts and public resources protection programs.