Our summer camp program “Lumberjacks: Building Your Future” is just around the corner. We’ve had an overwhelmingly positive response to the Camp In A Box program. So far over 250 kits reaching almost 600 youth have been requested and registration is open for one more week. Please share the Camp In A Box program with your friends and families that live in any of the participating counties. We love a good challenge and would love to make up a bunch more kits. See attached flyer for sharing.
We are excited that your family is going to join us for summer camp this summer. It may not be exactly the same as our youth are used to. However, we are sure each family will have fun while giving our at-home camp activities a try.
I just wanted to take a minute to not only welcome you to summer camp but to give you a quick update.
- Shortly after registration closes on June 15, you will be receiving an invoice for your Camp In a Box kit and extra campers. Please return payment quickly, as we do need to finish purchasing supplies and packing the kits.
- Camp In a Box pick up directions including pick up locations will be available in early July.
Thank you for choosing to be a part of a new summer camp program. If you have any questions, do not hesitate to contact