Leaf and Lawn Waste Disposal From a City That Has Tried it All

Thursday, October 4, 2012
12:00 PM – 1:00 PM CDT

UW-Extension’s Natural Resources Program, WDNR, and Water Star Wisconsin

George Dreckmann – Recycling Coordinator, City of Madison
Meg Kelly – Project Manager, Biodiversity Project 

Leaf rakingMunicipal Water Resource Management – WEBINAR SERIES 2012
Madison collects and processes 16,000 tons of leaves each fall. Over the years, George and his staff have field tested many methods that satisfy the citizens and officials of Madison, protect Madison’s many lakes, and is budget-conscious. George will outline strategies the City now uses and why they are favored. He will also discuss the methods and equipment he has experience with and how they may work for the different circumstances other cities are in.

Since 2010, the Rock River Stormwater Group (RRSG) has implemented several outreach campaigns related to fertilizing, composting and yard waste. Meg will talk about their successes in those campaigns. RRSG is a coalition of municipalities in the Rock River Basin that has joined together to address their MS4 permitting requirements for outreach and education. By pooling resources they have engaged Biodiversity Project – a nonprofit environmental communications organization – to assist with implementing campaigns related to each of the permit’s issue areas including BMPs for leaf, grass and yard waste.

This is part of the Municipal Water Resource Management Webinar Series.