Thursday, November 1, 2012
12:00 PM – 1:00 PM CDT
UW-Extension’s Natural Resources Program, WDNR, and Water Star Wisconsin
Ben Jordan – Program Director, University of WI Madison College of Engineering
Scott Weber – Street/Forestry Supervisor, Village of Hanover Park, IL
Moe Norby – Technical Support Manager, Polk Co. Hwy Dept
Municipal Water Resource Management – WEBINAR SERIES 2012Citizens expect more than ever that winter roads will be drivable all of the time, and they also want environmental impacts to be kept to a minimum. Ben will discuss creative strategies for winter street and highway maintenance that can maintain winter road safety while reducing the amount of salt put into the environment. Scott will tell how Hanover Park’s concern for the DuPage River Watershed was a driver behind changes in winter maintenance practices that reduced salt use by over 40% while maintaining clear roads. Scott will address the type of equipment the Village uses, the chemicals they make and blend, application rates, blend rates , and equipment costs. He will show the cost saving they achieved by making their own brine and producing their own blends.
Moe will explain how Polk County partnered with a local dairy and worked with the DNR to beneficially reuse brine waste from cheese making as a road deicer, reducing chloride discharges and winter maintenance costs.
This is part of the Municipal Water Resource Management Webinar Series.