Water Star and EcoScore – Web-based Environmental Assessments Developed to Complement Local Land and Water Conservation Efforts


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Presentation Slides – Water Star Program Overview (4mb PDF)

Wednesday, April 28, 2015
Rebecca Power, Coordinator North Central Region Water Network, University of Wisconsin Extension Environmental Resources Center
Andy Yencha, Natural Resources Educator, University of Wisconsin Extension
Jeremiah Asher, Assistant Director / Information Technology Institute of Water Research, Michigan State University
Kim Kies, Evaluation Associate, University of Wisconsin Environmental Resources Center

Water Star and EcoScore are web based environmental assessments that cities, towns, villages, watershed groups and other entities can use to rate their land and water protection efforts and gauge future progress. During this 90 minute webinar, UW-Extension, Michigan State University and their partners introduced these tools, described their intended benefits for local communities and other groups, and asked for feedback on how the tools can be modified to enhance their broader use. Anyone who works directly or indirectly to support the local adoption of land and water conservation practices is encouraged to watch, including University researchers, Extension personnel, Federal and state level natural resource/agricultural management specialists (DNR/EPA), Municipal professionals and/or their consultants and the staff and members of local land and water protection groups.