The 2015 Watershed-Based Phosphorus Compliance Strategies webinar series is complete. You may watch the archived presentation recordings or access the presentation slides by clicking on the webinar titles below.
Part 1: The Great Phosphorus Compliance Adventure
Wednesday, January 21, 2015
This series kick-off presentation provided an overview of the options available to WPDES permittees to comply with phosphorus discharge limits. A series of real examples were used to highlight the decision-making process and identify conditions that would favor water quality trading, adaptive management programs, or facility upgrades.
Part 2: Case studies: Opportunities for Adaptive Management and Water Quality Trading to be Successful
Wednesday, February 18, 2015
This presentation provided a review of a small watershed study that worked with rural landowners to identify high phosphorus and sediment loading areas, install best management practices to reduce runoff, and monitor water quality changes. This study, while not specifically an adaptive management or water quality trading project, provides a number of lessons learned when it comes to working with rural landowners.
Part 3: EVAAL Model Overview
Wednesday, March 18, 2015
This presentation provided an overview of the Erosion Vulnerability Assessment of Agricultural Lands (EVAAL) model and how it relates to adaptive management and water quality trading planning.
Part 4: Using the P Trade Report in SnapPlus
Wednesday, April 22, 2015
This presentation provided an overview of the P Trade Report feature in the SnapPlus model.