
Past Webinars-

This webinar took place in September and shows current 4-H sites discussing how they gathered information from their community to understand it’s needs and to hone their projects. It also explains how they built partnerships and connections:


The November Webinar focused on how to effectively use technology to engage the community. Representatives from tech impact were on and provided advice and helpful resources on how to teach others about technology as well as answering general technology questions:


The March Webinar talked about the recruitment and retention of youth members. Teams discussed how to think creatively when marketing to youth and how to best reach youth. Virtual communication was mentioned as a great way to plan in person meetings and stay in touch from coast to coast:


The April Webinar began by allowing sites to talk about the work they are doing. Sites then talked about how to engage community partners and began preparing for CWF:


Download the PowerPoint for the Recruitment and Retention of Youth Members March Webinar here!

Download the PDF for the 4-H Road to Retention document here!

A screenshot from a recent webinar.