Annual 4 H Volunteer Leader Training Year 1: Effective and Safe 4 H Meetings

In this activity plan, 4-H staff will learn strategies to teach youth and adult leaders how to conduct effective and safe 4-H meetings. This activity plan is part of the Wisconsin 4-H Club Training Series. (13 pages, 135 KB) Keywords – charter, essential elements, financial management, positive youth development, risks Details Publication Number: ACTcc066 Category: 4-H […]


Annual 4-H Volunteer Leader Training Year 3: Amazing Club Leadership

4-H Club youth and adult volunteers will discover that amazing club leadership can make 4-H club meetings, activities and events go from the ordinary to extraordinary. Details Publication Number: ACTcc069 Category: 4-H Club Management Sub-Category: Leadership Type: Activity Plan Audience: Staff Links Annual Leader Training Year 3


Getting Ready for Speeches and Demonstrations

An activity plan to help 4-H clubs learn about the different types of demonstrations and speeches. Also includes information about how to present an effective demonstration and speech. This activity plan is part of the Wisconsin 4-H Club Training Series. (7 pages, 193 KB) Keywords- communication, speaking experiences, relection, tips for speeches Details Publication Number: […]


Increasing Adult Involvement

An activity plan to help club leaders identify the motivating and inhibiting factors of adult participation in their 4-H clubs. Learn strategies for increasing adult involvement and a sense of belonging for the youth in the club. This is part of the 4-H Leader Training Series. (7 pages, 943 KB) Keywords- leadership, belonging Details Publication […]


It’s All About Education!

An activity plan to teach leaders about the educational foundation of 4-H, including the concepts of experiential education and life skills. Share ideas about how to explain the educational focus of 4-H to the public, parents, other leaders, and 4-H members. Share ideas about reflection and debriefing activities that can be used in 4-H clubs. […]


Keeping Order and Positive Discipline

Leaders can experience frustrations when trying to keep order during a 4-H club meeting. This activity plan is part of the Wisconsin 4-H Leader Training Series. It will help 4-H adult and youth club leaders to experience the messages others may be saying by their behavior and develop strategies that lead to positive and orderly […]


Keeping Youth in 4-H: Why Do Some Leave?

Why do some members leave and some member stay? This activity plan is part of the Wisconsin 4-H Leader Training Series. It will help 4-H adult and youth club leaders learn about the research regarding member retention in 4-H. Satisfaction in the 4-H club experience is an important component of retaining members. (6 pages, 94 […]


Making the Most of Your Projects

What is a 4-H project? In this activity plan 4-H club members will learn how to select a 4-H project, how a 4-H project progresses through the year, and how they can show others what they learned in their project. This activity plan is part of the Wisconsin 4-H Club Training Series. (7 pages, 98 […]


Managing Conflict

This activity plan is part of the Wisconsin 4-H Leader Training Series. Conflict can occur when different ideas are being expressed in a club. Identifying red flags that can prevent a potential conflict situation and strategies to manage a conflict situation can assist 4-H adult and youth club leaders support club members and leaders. (4 […]