This study, Best Practices in Workplace Eldercare, conducted by the National Alliance for Caregiving and ReACT (Respect a Caregiver’s Time), looks at what employers are doing today for their employees with eldercare responsibilities and highlights innovations. Those who participated in the study shared information about their eldercare programs such as the history of the program, the program elements, how it is marketed, the utilization rates, how the program is evaluated and the benefits to the employer.
The 17 companies participating in the study represented an array of industries including: Professional/Non-profit Associations; the Financial Industry; Health Care Providers; Higher Education; Insurance; Manufacturing; Media; the Pharmaceutical industry, and IT-related industries. Brief case studies of all of the employers are found in the appendix of the report. Note: And finally, despite the Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM) survey that showed that employers were reducing benefits and programming for caregiving employees, about one-third of the respondent employers in this study report that they had begun their eldercare program in the past 5 years with most of those starting the program less than 3 years ago.