Best Practices from the Caregiver Connection

The United Way in Waukesha County in Wisconsin brought together a group of community leaders for discussions related to caregiving and from that the Caregiver Connection was formed to focus on employed caregivers, which many see as one of the most important human resource issues facing the business community today. This report, Caregivers in the […]


Employer’s Resource Library

The National Caregivers Library was created by FamilyCare America, Inc. and is one of the largest single sources of information and tools for caregivers and seniors in the country. The library consists of hundreds of useful articles, forms, checklists and links to topic-specific external resources and the library includes an entire section for employers.  It […]


Preventing Discrimination Against Employees with Family Responsibilities

Best practices for avoiding family responsibilities discrimination and retaining talented employees with caregiving responsibilities can be found on The Center for WorkLife Law (WLL) website as well as employer alerts that identify trends in Family Responsibilities Discrimination.  The Center for WorkLife Law (WLL) is a nonprofit research and advocacy group devoted to improving work/life balance […]