This page provides you with documents the Task Force thought would be especially helpful in understanding the history of Wisconsin’s beaver population and issues and challenges of the future.
Publications from the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources:
2008 WI Beaver Population Analysis
2009 WI Beaver Trapping Questionnaire Report
2010 WI Beaver Trapping Questionnaire Report
2011-12 WI Beaver Trapping Questionnaire
2012-13 WI Beaver Trapping Questionnaire
1963 Knudsen WI Beaver History
Research articles regarding beaver/trout interactions in Wisconsin:
Avery, E. L. 2002. Fish community and habitat responses in a northern Wisconsin brook trout stream 18 years after beaver dam removal. Wisconsin DNR Final Report (Study: SSMQ). 63 pages. Avery 2002 WDNR 18-year Beaver Dam Removal Study
McRae, G., and C. J. Edwards. 1994. Thermal characteristics of Wisconsin headwater streams occupied by beaver: implications for brook trout habitat. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 123:641-656. McRae & Edwards 1994 TAFS beaver-brook trout habitat Wisconsin
Avery, E.L. 1983. A bibliography of beaver, trout, wildlife and forest relationships with special refernces to beaver and trout. Wisconsin DNRTechnical Bulletin No. 137. 23 pages.
Additional information:
Rapid Assessmentof the Economic Value of Wisconsin’s, Wetlands, 2012
The Economic Impacts of Recreational Trout Angling in the Driftless Area, 2008.
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