VIDEOS: COVID-19 risks and guidance

This UW-Madison Division of Extension video provides an overview of guidance and best practices that can mitigate the risks of COVID-19. This video is provided as an educational and instructional tool to assist people in learning more about how to reduce the spread of COVID-19. Please note that this video was created in July 2020. As we learn more about COVID-19, information presented in this video may become outdated.

Spanish-language version:

Este video proporciona una descripción general de la información actual (a julio de 2020) y de las mejores prácticas en lo que respecta a la salud pública y el COVID-19. La información proporcionada en este video se centra en algunas prácticas recomendadas, y proporciona instrucciones específicas para la salud y la higiene. Este video se proporciona como herramienta educativa y pedagógica para ayudar a las personas a aprender más sobre cómo reducir la propagación del COVID-19.

For Volunteers

This UW-Madison Division of Extension video provides an overview of guidance and best practices that can mitigate the risks of COVID-19. This video is provided as an educational and instructional tool to assist Extension Volunteers about how to reduce the spread of COVID-19. Please note that this video was created in July 2020. As we learn more about COVID-19, information presented in this video may become outdated.

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