Retail and Entertainment

The idea of providing shoppers with a pleasurable experience offers an opportunity to increase sales in any community.  This article describes why entertainment is becoming an important part of the shopping experience, offers ideas for in-store entertainment, entertainment anchors, and opportunities for small communities.


Wisconsin’s Tavern Industry

While there is one drinking establishment in Wisconsin for every 419 residents, sales have stagnated.  The following article explores changing consumer preferences, competition, and regulation possibly related to this trend.


Retail Mix in Wisconsin’s Small Downtowns

Businesses interested in diversifying their retail sales can used the data from the new UW-EX report to generate ideas for product expansion and diversification in your downtown.  The data can also assist individuals with an interest in starting a business and property owners wanting to help market their empty storefronts.  


The Impact of Catalog Shopping on Traditional Retail

Between 1987 and 1992, catalog mail order was the fastest growing single retail industry.  It is important to understand the significance of alternative retail approaches and their impact on the competitive environment in communities.  This article summaries the trends in this industry segment.


Business Clustering to Build Retail Sales

Clustering occurs when businesses within a particular industry group together in a geographical area. This article looks at the benefits and types of business clusters as well as how to develop a clustering strategy.


Niche Strategies for Downtowns: Part I

A niche is a specialization that allows a business district to gain dominance in certain categories of the retail market.  Successful communities often have two or three successful niches that are consumer or goods and services oriented.  This article looks at developing consumer based niches.


Retail Development in Growing Communities

An assessment of market supply and demand by retail category  can be conducted by community leaders to evaluate their community’s retail growth potential.  This article provides a step-by-step assessment guide with recommended tools to complete the analysis.