Image via Flickr/Richard Hurd
Trees can do that?!
Why urban trees are good for us – and what we can do to enhance their roles
This presentation discusses the many benefits provided by urban trees and woods, based on the latest research evidence from across the globe. Focus will be on the many contributions trees make to our health and wellbeing, as well as to building stronger urban communities. Some of the benefits of trees in cities are perhaps surprising, such as their roles in stimulating creativity and child development. A rapidly increasing body of knowledge stressed the various ways in which trees and other nature impacts public health. Urban forestry has the task to optimise tree benefits, while also making sure that a sustainable and resilient urban forest is developed. Best practices in urban forestry are presented, including the need to apply a place perspective, develop partnerships, and work closely together with local communities. Finally, the role of urban foresters and other professionals, as well as citizens and communities, in developing better and more vibrant cities will be discussed.
For the past 20 years Cecil Konijnendijk has studied, taught and advised on the role of trees and green space in our cities and towns. His particular interests include green space governance (including community involvement), people-nature relationships and cultural ecosystem services, and urban forestry and urban greening. Cecil’s work has brought him across the globe and he have always worked in close dialogue with decision-makers and practitioners, and I am eager to develop new research that has high practical relevance. He is currently professor of urban forestry at the University of British Columbia in Vancouver, Canada, Before coming to UBC, he worked at Wageningen University (Netherlands), the European Forest Institute (Finland), the University of Copenhagen (Denmark), the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences (Sweden), and the University of Hong Kong (Hong Kong, China). Cecil is editor-in-chief of the journal ‘Urban Forestry & Urban Greening’, and has (co-)authored three books, including the recent Routledge Handbook of Urban Forestry. Speaker Biography
- Tuesday, August 7, 2018 [webinar]
There’s some audio problems in the beginning that we fought our way through. The issue is resolved when we switch over to a land-line for audio.
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