The Wisconsin Master Gardener Program would like to invite you to the 2018 Extension Master Gardener Coordinator Conference.
Our inspiration for this event was inspired during the 2016 EMG conference by a smart aleck comment about flamingos. If you’re not familiar with that story and of the “Pail and Shovel Party” you may want to read about it. Our interpretation of that colorful, historic event is to do something different and have fun in the process! Our invited guest speakers align with our goal of being different– whether it’s different program development and delivery, different research to inform our decisions, and getting different faces into the program– our guest presenters will give us information and allow us to extrapolate it to best fit our programs. We are also soliciting from you to present along these themes, too, with short “power-presentations” and posters throughout the event. We want to give you a chance to share your work and ideas with others.
And speaking of ideas, we know you have many to share, and a structured setting may not be the best place for these fruitful conversations. We have very purposefully created spaces in the program for you to take a break and go explore downtown Madison and the UW-Madison campus so you can recharge and network with colleagues from across the country. We are also encouraging the use of technology and further sharing your thoughts and conversations with others via our Facebook group (sign up today!). So, bring your devices and stay connected!
We know resources of time and money are tight, so we have worked very hard to make this conference a value to you. Please contact any of us if you have questions or comments. And, we look forward to seeing you in Mad-Town very soon!
Program Staff:
Mike Maddox
Susan Mahr
Amy Freidig