Swine, Sheep & Meat Goat Ear Tag Distribution
Wednesday, March 24, 2021 | 3 pm to 6 pm
Fond du Lac County Fairgrounds
Those wishing to qualify for the 2021 Fond du Lac County Market Livestock Sale must pre-ID project animals via ear-tag. Steers ear tags were distributed in January with ID papers due earlier this winter. Official ear tags for sheep, swine, and meat goats will be distributed on Wednesday, March 24.
Details regarding the self-id process are available at https://fyi.extension
The Fond du Lac County Fair Hog Show will be non-terminal.
Due to processor capacity issues and processors not being able to slaughter all hogs at the same time directly from the fair, the Fond du Lac County Fair is now a non-terminal show. This means any hog not going through the sale can go home for breeding purposes, to be shown at state fair or other late summer jackpot show or go to a processor at a later date. Exhibitors will be responsible for hauling their own non-sale hogs immediately