YQCA Training Online at http://yqca.org
As a requirement to sell at the Fond du Lac County Market Livestock Sale all exhibitors, regardless of year in school, will need to be YQCA trained and certified. Because of current extension COVID-19 restrictions in place for larger groups, Fond du Lac County will not be hosting an in-person YQCA certification this year.
To become certified, please visit http://yqca.org and complete the online training by signing in using your 4H online username and password. For FFA members, you can set up your own account, or use the account you established last year. The fee for YQCA training is $12 per person, and individuals must do their own training. A family cannot pay for one individual and share the same training.
YQCA will count as 2 points toward the minimum 8 points needed to qualify for the Fond du Lac County Market Livestock Sale. To receive credit, please download and email your Certificate of Completion to katie.gindt@wisc.edu.
Exhibitors must send their certificate to receive credit for YQCA.
If you are having issues with the http://YQCA.org site, please contact them directly at help@yqca.org.
As a reminder, exhibitors wishing to qualify for the Fond du Lac County Market Livestock Sale must earn 8 educational points through meetings or webinars. After the completion of the activity, submit the information through the Google form at http://bit.ly/fdllivestockpoints. To check how many points you have earned so far, please visit https://fyi.extension.wisc.edu/fdlmeat/educational-requirements/ and scroll down to Meeting Attendance Record.
If you have any questions regarding the Fond du Lac County Market Livestock Project and Sale, please contact chairperson Ed Schrauth at 920.960.8106.