showrite march 2 details

1 Educational Point: Show-Rite 2021 Stock Show Classroom Episodes

Class is back in session! The first episode of 2021 Stock Show Classroom will revolve around learning how to correctly feed and utilize our new swine products to make your pig project reach their full potential. Ryan and Dennis are a wealth of knowledge, so bring all of your questions. Tuesday, March 2 @ 6pm […]


2 Educational Points: Livestock Lessons Round 2 Due March 19

Livestock Lessons is a new animal science experience for Wisconsin youth. Giving a Livestock Lesson is an opportunity for you to share your learning with others and to teach others about animal sciences. The potential topics for your lessons are endless! We would love for you to submit your 4-H demonstrations, FFA public speaking entries, […]

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Feeding & Caring for Swine without Ractopamine-February 11

The Wisconsin Youth Livestock Program (WYLP), affiliated with the UW Madison Department of Animal & Dairy Sciences, College of Agricultural & Life Sciences, and the Division of Extension are excited to offer these educational programs for the winter/spring of 2020-2021. These activities are an opportunity for youth and adults to create awareness and increase skills […]


New MLP Educational Points Google Form and Updated Attendance List

You can now submit your Out-of-County Educational Points through our new Google Form! We have formatted this form to cover all the different events you will attend and hope you’ll try it out! If you need to print a form, it is still available on the Forms page of the website. The Educational Points Attendance […]