Business Planning for Profitable, Safe Farms

Record high farm income in 2022 drove Wisconsin farm businesses’ interest in new revenue streams, markets and technology. However, in 2023 producers encountered increased interest expense, increasing debt and reduction in working capital due to lower than expected prices, increase in overall production costs, and a decline in USDA assistance. As a result, producers must […]

Planning to Ensure a Viable Business

Many Wisconsin farmers are approaching retirement age and are considering a succession plan — identifying the individual(s) who will take over the farm’s operations — to protect their farm and their legacy. UW–Madison Extension provides agriculture service providers with the resources they need to address farmers’ challenges around succession planning. These resources are designed to […]

Improving Farms through Informed Decision-making

Agriculture is central to a prosperous Wisconsin, ‌contributing more than $100 billion annually to our state’s economy and nearly 12% of our state’s employment (providing over 435,000 jobs). Running a successful farm business is increasingly challenging and the current economic situation continues to have an impact financially for many farms. Much uncertainty exists for commodity […]

Extension Farm Management Program: Improving farm profitability and lifestyles through informed decision-making

Running a successful farm business is increasingly challenging and the current economic situation continues to have an impact financially for many farms. Weathering these uncertainties depends on farm owners successfully managing their farm’s financials, effectively managing their workforce, considering alternative enterprises as appropriate, or all three. The Extension Farm Management Program provides research-based farm business management information, resources and decision-making tools to farmers and agribusinesses to improve business profitability and lifestyles through informed decision-making.

Becoming the Employer of Choice

In 2017-2019, Extension colleagues reached more than 150 farm owners/managers through educational programs in locations around the state, including Brown, Dane, Fond du Lac, and Washington counties. The program curriculum and promotion materials were available in both English and Spanish, and simultaneous interpretation was also available.

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