The Physics of Climate Change

The scientific principles explaining and predicting the effects of climate change are being lost in the noise of rampant misinformation. Understanding of climate change varies across age groups and location, and many K-12 teachers are left without the support needed to incorporate climate change concepts in their curricula.

To mitigate misinformation, this project will create hands-on activities to understand the impacts of climate change and empower teachers to accurately share content with their students. Specific efforts will include a museum exhibit at the Ingersoll Physics Museum, outreach demonstration for the Wonders of Physics traveling show, and an activity kit designed to empower middle and high school students, teachers, and general audiences to identify accurate information about climate change.

Principal Investigator

Mallory Conlon, Quantum Science Outreach Program Coordinator, Department of Physics

Co-Principal Investigators

Cierra Atkinson, Wonders of Physics Outreach Specialist, Department of Physics

Haddie McLean, Wonders of Physics Outreach Specialist, Department of Physics

Joanna Skluzacek, Professor and STEM Specialist, Division of Extension