National Farm Safety & Health Week 2020: Every Farmer Counts

National Farm Safety and Health Week is September 20-26, 2020 with a theme of “Every Farmer Counts.” We understood this clearly in early 2020 as we began to see lines at grocery stores and occasional shortages of food and other supplies as a result of challenges to our agricultural, food, manufacturing and distribution supply chains. We also witnessed the impact unique workplace health exposures had among migrant, immigrant, and other workers on farms and in related food and meat processing facilities and how illness connected to workplace exposure could affect all of us!


Lousy harvest conditions call for extra safety actions

As the harvest season wears on – delayed due to weather – farmers should carefully consider crucial safety actions that can save lives or prevent illness according to University of Wisconsin-Madison Division of Extension safety specialists. Three areas where farmers should take additional precautions are extracting equipment stuck in the mud, working around grain dust and ensuring proper lighting on farm equipment.