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APPENDIX – Record Keeping
You must keep pesticide application records if: 1) You are applying a restricted use pesticide and/or 2) you have to be certified. Application records must be kept for 2 years (pesticide products with atrazine or isoxaflutole active ingredients must be kept for 3 years).
Pesticide application records have to be made the day of application. They must be legible. If your onboard system collects all the information required in a pesticide record, then the Wisconsin Department of Agriculture, Trade and Consumer Protection (DATCP) will accept data from onboard systems. If your “work order” or invoicing system collects all the information required DATCP will accept this. However, be sure that it collects all the information required and that you can produce it upon DATCP request.
Application Requirements
- Applicator name (first & Last)
- Customer name and address – If you do not have a customer this can be left out.
- The crop, commodity, or site to which the pesticide was applied.
- The specific location of application site – this has to be clear enough for DATCP to be able to locate the exact site. Many application businesses use Google maps with GPS coordinates for this. Examples: “Front and back yard.” “Field 5 Hwy 3 and County Road X” “Apartments 201 base boards and kitchen cupboards”.
- Date (month, day, year) and start and stop time.
- Specific pesticide products brand name or chemical name (common name, its active ingredient). For example, Whoop-IT or glyphosate.
- EPA registration number (EPA Reg. No.) found on the label of the pesticide product you are using.
- Amount applied (concentration & total quantity applied OR rate & total area treated).
- Location of mix/load site (if other than the licenced business location).
Record Keeping Form – You can use this sample form if you choose.
Examples of amount applied.

Specific Recordkeeping Requirements: Be aware that some specific products and/or types of application require more specific recordkeeping requirements than we have listed here. Soil fumigation and commodity fumigation have much more stringent requirements including drawing up Fumigation Management Plans. Refer to the product label for these requirements. We also discuss them in the appropriate category manuals (Soil Fumigation, Space & Commodity Fumigation).
Other Information: Although not required, additional comments and information can help you evaluate the effectiveness
of the applications. Examples include weather conditions, equipment used, adjuvants and timing of the