Three SARE Partnership Grants Awarded in Wisconsin

Wisconsin organizations and farmers are partnering on three projects to advance sustainable agriculture in the state.  The projects are funded by the North Central Region Sustainable Agriculture Research and Education (SARE) Program.

  • Luiz Ferraretto with the University of Wisconsin in Green Bay, Wisconsin was awarded $40,000 for the project, “Harvesting and Feeding Winter Rye, Winter Triticale, and other Alternative Forages to Dairy and Beef Cattle.”
  • Alyssa Hartman with the Artisan Grain Collaborative in Dane County, Wisconsin was awarded $39,997 to work with the Michael Field Institute and producers in Illinois, Michigan, Minnesota, and Wisconsin on the project, “Developing Educational Resources for Improved Postharvest Handling of Value-Added Wheat and Rye on Small and Mid-Sized Farms.”
  • James Stute with Stute Farms in East Troy, Wisconsin was awarded $39,680 for the project, “Can “Planting Green” Suppress Troublesome Glyphosate Tolerant/ Resistant Weeds in No-Till Soybean?”

Since 1988, the SARE program has helped advance farming systems that are profitable, environmentally sound, and good for communities through a nationwide research and education grants program. The program is part of USDA’s National Institute of Food and Agriculture.  For more information on SARE grants and resources visit the website at