2015 Ag Grants Workshops

UW-Extension in partnership with Michael Fields Agricultural Institute (MFAI), USDA Rural Development, USDA Sustainable Agriculture Research & Education (SARE), and Wisconsin Department of Agriculture, Trade and Consumer Protection (DATCP) hosts four one-day Agricultural Grants Workshops held at four different locations around the state that help farmers and other value-added food entrepreneurs learn about available agricultural […]


Find Out What SARE is Funding in Your State

Find Out What SARE is Funding in Your State Did you know that since 1988 SARE has invested more than $211 million in 5,300 sustainable agriculture research and education projects across the United States? From Washington to Florida, Maine to Hawaii, SARE grants support projects on cover crops and diversified rotations, integrated pest management, pasture-based […]


NEW Second Edition of Midwest Cover Crop POCKET Guide available

The second edition of the Midwest Cover Crop Pocket Guide is NOW AVAILABLE from the Midwest Cover Crops Council This is a super handy resource that is only $5 and one that you can carry around in your pocket while out in the field! ORDER some today while supplies last at https://mdc.itap.purdue.edu/item.asp?Item_Number=ID-433#.VJHBkXuhpmM Find out more […]


Deadline for Conservation and Climate Change Adaptation proposals coming up.

The Wisconsin SARE Program is seeking proposals for professional development to address two areas of concern:  conservation and climate change adaptation.  Apologies for the confusion about the due date for the proposals.  We will honor the December 15th, 2014 date, but of course we will be happy to accept proposals on or before December 5th […]


Cover crops report from North Central SARE

For the second year in a row, a national survey of farmers has documented a yield boost from the use of cover crops in corn and soybeans, as well as a wide variety of other benefits. The survey – which was funded by the North Central Region Sustainable Agriculture Research and Education (SARE) program and […]


2014 Ag Grants Workshops

This year UW-Extension in partnership with Michael Fields Agricultural Institute, DATCP, SARE, USDA Rural Development, FSA, NRCS and several farm credit agency banks are holding the 2014 Agricultural Grants Workshops at 4 locations around Wisconsin to help farmers and other value-added food entrepreneurs learn about potential grants, get the basics on putting together a strong […]


2014 Calls for Proposals Open

There are several open calls for proposals in the North Central SARE Program. The 2015 North Central Region Sustainable Agriculture Research and Education Program (NCR-SARE) Research and Education Grant Program Call for Preproposals is now available online at http://www.northcentralsare.org/Grants/Our-Grant-Programs/Research-and-Education.  Preproposals are due October 23, 2014. The 2015 North Central Region Sustainable Agriculture Research and Education Program (NCR-SARE) Partnership […]


Grazing Wedge Tool to assess forage quality

Determine forage quality with grazing wedge tool that can match beef cattle nutrient needs with pasture resources while reducing feed and fertility costs. The grazing wedge is a tool for visualizing forage inventory in different pastures. It visually represents the quality and quantity of forage dry matter available both now and during the next round […]