No-Till and Cover Crop Innovations Increase Dairy Profits

Summertime for dairy farmers in New England is anything but slow. Silage corn must be planted and harvested in a short window to provide high-quality forage for cattle, leaving little time to plant cover crops to replenish the soil. Under pressure to get corn planted early, farmers may delay the first cutting of hay, sacrificing […]


Managed Forage Leads to Improved Performance in Grass Steers

Do you raise grass steers? A SARE-supported project conducted at the The Dickinson Research Extension Center in North Dakota found that properly managed forage supplies have the potential to increase rib-eye area in long yearling steers by 25 percent. ————— Source: Cattle Network, by Chris Ringwall Properly managed forage supplies have the potential to increase […]


SARE Farmer-Rancher grant video

SARE now has a video explaining how to apply for the Farmer Rancher Grant.  Click here to watch the presentation. The video is also linked on the North Central SARE website: In addition, UW-Extension in partnership with USDA, SARE, DATCP and Michael Fields Agricultural Institute is offering Agricultural Grants Workshops  in October that help farmers and other […]


Newly Revised Profitable Poultry: Raising Birds on Pasture Now Available

The Fischbachs of Ashland, Wis., like the small scale and minimum requirements of pastured poultry. Photo: Beth Probst Jason and Melissa Fischbach have discovered good value in raising pastured poultry on their Ashland, Wis., farm. “There’s a good profit margin raising chickens and turkeys on grass,” says Jason, who earns between $2 and $6 per […]


Building a Better System with No-Till and Cover Crops

It all began in 2002 with a $6,500 SARE grant and the seed of an idea. Today, that idea has grown into hundreds of research projects around the country and a new, effective tool that farmers are using to improve soil quality, weed management and the bottom line. The tool is the roller crimper, a […]


Managing Nutrients on Wisconsin Soils Workshop Webinar

Managing Nutrients on Wisconsin Soils Workshop is being offered in a webinar format this year and the curriculum has been revised/updated. Click here for agenda. The webinars will take place on March 18, 19, and 21 from 1-3pm. There is no registration fee for UWEX personnel, but you need to register by emailing Carol Duffy […]


Seeking Applications for Sustainable Agriculture Search for Excellence Award

The National Association of County Agricultural Agents (NACAA) is now accepting applications for the 2013 Search for Excellence in Sustainable Agriculture award, which recognizes outstanding educational programs in sustainable agriculture. The award comes with a $500 honorarium and a requirement to present during the NACAA Annual Meeting/Professional Improvement Conference. All NACAA members in good standing […]


Ohio Farmers, Educators Do More with Cover Crops and No-Till

In western Ohio, farmers and agricultural educators are making a compelling case that cover crops and no-till will get you more from less: Requiring less fuel, less machinery, fewer chemical inputs and less acreage, these ecological farming practices lead to improved profitability, better soil health, more jobs, improved environmental stewardship and a better quality of […]


2009 Cover Crops Workshop Presentations

Dean Baas, Michigan State University, Fitting Cover Crops Into Corn Silage Systems Michelle Wander, University of Illinois, Cover Crops and Soil Quality in Organic Systems Jim Stute, UW-Extension, Economics of Cover Crops