North Central Region SARE Professional Development Program
Travel Scholarship Application
- On-line Professional Development scholarship application
- Professional Development Scholarship Form in Excel
- Professional Development Scholarship Form in PDF
If not using the on-line application, return the completed application form to Diane Mayerfeld at or Extension Agriculture Institute, 3500 University Ave., Madison, WI 53705.
Travel Scholarship Post-Conference/Event Survey (6-12 Months)
Please use one of the following forms linked below to provide us with some follow up feedback on how the scholarship funds have benefited you and your work:
- Online Qualtrics Scholarship Follow-up Form (preferred method of providing post-travel info)
- Scholarship Follow-up Form in Word
The Wisconsin SARE Program offers scholarships to Extension agents, Land Conservation Department staff, and other agricultural educators to participate in professional development in sustainable agriculture.
Applicants must describe how they will apply the knowledge gained through the scholarship in their work, and scholarship recipients must complete a brief survey on the impact of the scholarship on their work 6 to 12 months after the event.
SARE scholarships are intended to allow educators to explore topics in sustainable agriculture that are new to them. Once an educator has used a scholarship to attend an annual conference our hope is that the educator will seek other funding sources to attend that event in the future. Thus, priority is given to educators who have not previously used a SARE scholarship to attend that conference or event. Exceptions can be made if the event is critical to the educator’s sustainable agriculture programming and if other sources of funds are not available.
When budgeting travel costs, please stay within State of Wisconsin rates. We cannot offer reimbursements above state rates.
SARE scholarships are offered for professional development in a variety of areas, including some of the following examples:
- Grazing (Wisconsin Grazing Conference)
- Organic agriculture (Marbleseed Organic Farming Conference; Organic Vegetable Production Conf.)
- Cover crops and soil health
- Sustainable production of alternative crops
- Working with underserved audiences in agriculture
- Other areas related to sustainable agriculture – contact Diane Mayerfeld with your suggestions