Sunday, May 19th
2:00 PM to 4:00 PM
Join Groundwork Milwaukee and view the Hanging Underwater Baskets (HUBs) that have been installed to improve long-term spawning in an area where dredging and lack of vegetation have made survival nearly impossible for many fish. Transportation provided from Riverside Park.
To register or for more information, click HERE.
Do you have questions about this event?
Contact: Lesley Sheridan
July 16, 5:00-7:30pm, UW-Extension Office, Sheboygan
Join WDNR biologist, Lisie Kitchel, to explore the quiet and over-looked, but fascinating world of freshwater mussels. Expect a 1-hour indoor program, break for a quick picnic, then 1-hour of walking the river in search of mussels. Great family activity. Volunteer to survey mussels later on your own. Wear shoes that can get wet! Picnic food provided, BYO beverage.
Please contact Debbie Beyer at 920-459-6644 or or Amy Kre