2014 Great Lakes Areas of Concern Annual Conference ** Registration Now Open **
Tuesday-Wednesday, March 18-19
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
Ralph Metcalfe Federal Building, Room 331
77 West Jackson Blvd. – Chicago, Illinois
Register at http://www.epa.gov/greatlakes/aoc/conference/index.html
Registration is now open for the 2014 annual conference for the U.S. Great Lakes Areas of Concern program, being held March 18-19 at U.S. EPA’s offices in Chicago. There is no charge to attend the conference, but registration is required. Space is limited, so AOC leaders are encouraged to register now!
The conference will begin at 1:00 pm on Tuesday, March 18 and adjourn by 12:30 pm on Tuesday, March 19. The conference is intended for representatives of local Public Advisory Councils; state, federal and tribal AOC staff; and other AOC stakeholders (e.g., consultants, academics). The goals of the AOC conference are to
Provide a forum for AOC participants to share ideas, review program status, showcase successes and discuss common challenges
- Review recent developments affecting the AOC program including the revised Great Lakes Water Quality Agreement and the FY 2015-19 Great Lakes Restoration Initiative Action Plan
- Review and discuss AOC program and project funding mechanisms including process and timing
- Strengthen linkages between federal, tribal, state and local AOC participants
A draft agenda, directions and registration instructions are online at http://www.epa.gov/greatlakes/aoc/conference/index.html.
Contact: John Perrecone, 312/353-1149, Perrecone.john@epa.gov