Birds, Birds, and More Birds!

4f34def179281-Ozaukee Washington Land Trust

A Birding We Will Go

Join me and my fellow bird lovers this Saturday at our 5th Annual International Migratory Bird Day Celebration at the Forest Beach Migratory Preserve.



We’ll start the day early with guided bird hikes at 7am, followed by presentations and discussions about important bird topics of the day. Our most popular exhibit – the live raptor display with Jeannie Lord of the Pine View Wildlife Rehabilitation and Education Center – begins at 10am.

You can read more about the bird day festivities here.

As you are surely aware, this will be our first Bird Day celebration without our good friend Noel Cutright. It will be bittersweet, but we will enjoy the day with his spirit being felt throughout.

If birding isn’t your thing, you can join staff and volunteers at our Kratzsch Conservancy in Newburg where they’ll be creating a shrubland habitat area. (See our upcoming events down below.)

This is a project that Noel advocated for and we’re proud to be making it a reality. We can use your help so, please join us if you can.

Have fun,

Shawn Graff, Executive Director Ozaukee Washington Land Trust


The Bird Blog

The Future of Birds Bird Blog
The Future of Birds Bird Blog
The Future of Birds Bird Blog….

There. We said it three times fast…bet you can’t!

But seriously, if you’re interested in birds, this local blog has interesting, up to date information about our avian friends. (Like the story about installing kestrel boxes in downtown Milwaukee.)


Birds of Southern Wisconsin Field Course

Does all this talk about birds make you want to become an expert? Well here’s a good place to start. From June 10-14 (Tuesday – Saturday) you can join three of Wisconsin’s top bird experts for a five day field course that visits important breeding bird areas in southern Wisconsin.

You’ll study breeding birds, field research and monitoring techniques, plant community associations, bird banding and more.

Your expert Instructors:

Bill Mueller is the Director of the Western Great Lakes Bird and Bat Observatory, and Project Coordinator for the Milwaukee BIOME Project.

Dr. Owen Boyle is the state coordinator for the Wisconsin Citizen-based Monitoring Network and an ecologist with WDNR.

Tim Vargo is the Manager of Research and Citizen Science at Milwaukee’s Urban Ecology Center, and is a federally licensed bird bander.

For more information contact Bill Mueller at:
or  visit this page.


Events Calendar

 Remember…all of our outdoor events are very weather dependent!

If the weather looks ominous the day before or morning of an event,
please check our online calendar before you get in the car.


Saturday, May 3, 9:30am–2pm
Join us as we create a shrubland habitat at our Kratzsch Conservancy in Newburg. This restoration was advocated by Noel Cutright, so we’ll be feeling his presence all day.
6670 Lovers Lane, Newburg 53090 map

Sauk Creek Nature Preserve
Tuesday, May 6, 9am–2pm
Planting trees will be an ongoing theme in May.
3210 Moore Rd, Port Washington, 53074 map

Forest Beach Migratory Preserve
Thursday, May 8, 9am–2pm
Trees, shrubs, tree and shrub maintenance.
4970 Country Club Road, Port Washington, 53074  map

Cedarburg Environmental Study Area
Sunday, May 11, 3pm–5pm
Celebrate Mothers Day by planting mom a tree.
555 Granville Road, Cedarburg, 53012  map 

Kurtz Woods State Natural Area
Tuesday May 13, 9am–2pm
Yep. Planting more trees. But this time you get to explore a state natural area while you’re at it!
1211 Dahlia Lane, Grafton 53080  map


Saturday, June 14, 9am–3pm 
Join us for our annual Migratory Bird Celebration. Guided bird hikes, bird discussions, live bird displays and all things birding.
Multiple locations in Ozaukee County  website