Where: Riveredge Nature Center Saukville, WI (near Cedarburg)
Meeting location: West parking lot 1 mile south west of Education and Visitor Center (see map)
When: Friday August 1st, 2014, 9 AM‐ Noon
Topics to be covered:
1. Field identification of Emerald Ash Borer and symptomology
2. Effectiveness of control methods for Emerald Ash Borer
3. Identification of high priority invasive plants in SE Wisconsin
4. Demonstration of how to map invasive plants using GLEDN App
To Register: Email/call Tony Summers: asummers2@wisc.edu , 608 262‐9570
9:00‐9:30 Registration and Coffee/Snacks
9:30‐9:45 Introductions (Mark Renz UW Extension)
9:45‐10:45 EAB ID and management (PJ Liesch and Chris Williamson, UW Extension)
10:45‐11:15 Invasive plant identification (Jim Reinartz, SEWISC)
11:15‐11:45 Mapping invasive plants (Tony Summers, UW Extension)