New DNR Urban Forestry Grant Applications Available Online

Wisconsin communities, tribal governments and non-profit organizations looking for financial help with urban forestry projects are encouraged to apply for a Department of Natural Resources grant.

Officials and organization leaders have until October 1 to apply for a DNR Urban Forestry Grant. Eligible applicants include Wisconsin city, village, town, county or tribal government and 501 (c) (3) nonprofit organizations located in or conducting projects in Wisconsin.

DNR Urban Forestry Grant Specialist Olivia Shanahan says the program is seeking projects that will serve one or more of the following priorities:

  • Long-term positive effect on urban tree canopy and the benefits it provides
  • Emerald ash borer readiness or response plans or insecticide treatment to preserve urban tree canopy
  • Alignment with urban forestry program goals  — meaning enhancing  private property tree canopy, increasing local funding capacity, benefiting multiple communities, utilizing existing tree inventories, increasing education capacity
  • Developing or enhancing municipal tree management programs

“While these priorities do not preclude funding any eligible project, applications that address the 2015 objectives and priorities will rank higher compared to those that do not,” Shanahan said.

The DNR also funds a smaller start-up grant for communities that want to start an urban forest program or resume an inactive program.  Shanahan says a competitive start-up project should focus on initial steps with a long term goal of being sustainable.

All applications are due October 1 and can be found along with program information on the DNR Urban Forestry website keyword: UF grant .  Projects are expected to be completed between January 1 and December 31, 2015.

Shanahan recommends all grant applications be submitted electronically through the link, located at the bottom of the electronic form.

The DNR has program staff in your area!  For more information on urban and community forestry or urban forestry grants contact your regional Urban Forestry Coordinator .