Sustainable Strategies Webcast, September 18, 12pm – 1pm, Stormwater Managment in a Changing Climate

Change in recent and projected frequency and intensity of rainfall is creating challenges for Wisconsin’s urban stormwater managers. From combined sewer overflows to flash flooding, communities are seeing increased risk from extreme weather. In this webinar you will learn about what Wisconsin communities are and can be doing to minimize these impacts. Topics include anticipating extreme storm impacts on flooding and sanitary sewer overflows, and using green infrastructure as a stormwater adaptation strategy. A case study from La Crosse will show how one Wisconsin community has reduced flooding of streets and private property by installing green infrastructure in-lieu of upsizing pipes.

David S. Liebl, UW-Extension Stormwater Specialist, Chairs the Stormwater working group of the Wisconsin Initiative on Climate Change Impacts (WICCI), and has spoken to audiences across the state about climate impacts and adaptation. His extension programming includes municipal stormwater management and green infrastructure.



Bernard Lenz’s, Assistant City Engineer, City of La Crosse, career has paralleled the trends and changes in how storm water is handled in Wisconsin. He has a BS in Geological Engineering and a MS in Environmental Engineering; focusing on groundwater/surface water interaction in his studies. He began his career as a hydrologist with the USGS, later working as a consultant in a municipal engineering firm developing storm water management plans. For the past 5 years he has worked for the City of La Crosse helping implement their Green Complete Streets Ordinance thru the design and implementation of Green Infrastructure. His passion for outdoors pursuits fuels his desire to protect what he loves.



Jennifer Olson – Water Resource Scientist, Tetra Tech, has 16 years of experience in watershed and water quality planning and management. She obtained her MS in Water Resource Science from the University of Minnesota. She has extensive experience developing water quality and Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL) studies and has worked closely with stakeholders and municipalities to develop successful implementation programs. She also has background in stormwater management and green infrastructure practices including best management practice optimization modeling to determine cost-effective solutions to water quality and flooding problems. Ms. Olson also has experience with surface and groundwater interactions, designing and implementing comprehensive monitoring programs, implementation of regulatory programs, private sector coordination, meeting facilitation, and public education and outreach.

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