Wisconsin Wetlands Association hopes you will be a part of their 20th Anniversary Wetland Science Conference, Telling Our Stories. This conference will take place at Monona Terrace in Madison, Wisconsin, on February 24-26, 2015.
Call for Oral and Poster Presentations:
We seek proposals for oral or poster presentations on wetland research, restoration, and management projects, especially those related to the theme of Telling Our Stories. We welcome presentations on work done in all wetland community types and from around the Midwest region, as long as the content of the presentation applies to wetlands of Wisconsin. Abstract submission deadline: Friday, November 14, 2014.
For more information please see attached handout and the following websites:
How to submit an abstract: http://www.uwlax.edu/conted/wwa/call-for-presentations.html
General conference information: http://www.uwlax.edu/conted/wwa