Public Meeting of the Great Lakes Advisory Board

Milwaukee Estuary Area of Concern Friends,

I wanted to share this with you in case you had interest in what the Advisory Board is planning for the next 4 years of the Great Lakes Restoration Initiative.  If you remember, they sought public comment here at the Urban Ecology Center in Milwaukee last year.  Many of our stakeholders attended and provided important feedback.  I hope you get out and enjoy our rivers and Lake Michigan this coming summer and remember how important your ideas, comments and stewardship are to the future of our water resources! 




Notification of a Public Meeting of the Great Lakes Advisory Board

79 FR 31110 – A Notice by the Environmental Protection Agency published on 05/30/2014

The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) announces a teleconference of the Great Lakes Advisory Board (Board). The purpose of this meeting is to discuss plans for the Great Lakes Restoration Initiative covering (GLRI) FY15-19 and other relevant matters.


The teleconference will be held Thursday, June 12, 2014 from 12:00 to 2:00 p.m. Central Time, 1:00 p.m. to 3:00 p.m. Eastern Time. An opportunity will be provided to the public to comment.


The teleconference will be held via GoToWebinar. Participants may register at

FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT:                                                  

Any member of the public wishing further information regarding this meeting may contact Rita Cestaric, Designated Federal Officer (DFO), by telephone at 312-886-6815 or email at General information on the GLRI and the Board can be found at