Coastal Land Acquisition Funding Opportunity Great Lakes Area of Concern Land Acquisition Grants

IMG_6173Funding Opportunity

The Wisconsin Coastal Management Program in the Department of Administration is soliciting grant applications to support public land acquisition within Wisconsin’s Areas of Concern (AOCs) and their associated watersheds. The intent of this grant competition is to support the acquisition of ecologically significant coastal habitats, as well as areas in need of habitat restoration activities. Projects should meet the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration’s mission to protect and restore coastal habitats and support the Great Lakes Regional Collaboration Strategy.
Wisconsin may submit selected project proposals to the Office of Ocean and Coastal Resource Management (OCRM) in the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), U.S. Department of Commerce.
NOAA will develop a prioritized list of projects that are ready and eligible for funding.

Projects funded under this program will have a grant start date of October 1, 2015. NOAA anticipates that $800,000 will be provided for this competition through the Great Lakes Restoration Initiative. Funding availability is contingent upon Fiscal Year 2015 Congressional appropriations.

Funding Goals and Eligibility:
• Great Lakes AOC grants are to support land acquisition projects that will contribute to
the delisting of fish and wildlife habitat–related beneficial use impairments (BUIs) in
Great Lakes AOCs.
• Eligible projects must be located within an AOC or its associated watershed and must
be endorsed by the AOC Remedial Action Plan (RAP) implementation group.
• Grants will be awarded to public agencies for acquisition of fee simple interests in
lands or conservation easements from willing sellers.
• Projects submitted should be “ready-to-go” with acquisition likely to be completed
within the initial 18 month grant award period.
• Land acquired must be held by a public entity (state, local, regional, or tribal unit of
government) and preserved in perpetuity for conservation purposes. Priority will be
given to projects that yield significant ecological benefits as well as contribute
community benefits such as improved opportunities for recreation, park use, open
space, or other tangible community benefits.
• This competition is not intended to support the acquisition of highly contaminated
sites or other properties where uncertain effects or effects involving unique or
unknown risks would trigger extensive NEPA review.
• Eligible projects range between $100,000 and $800,000. Negotiated price should be
based upon an appraisal prepared to federal standards.
• Match is not required, but recipients are encouraged to provide match, where
applicable. This funding competition will not allow pre-award match costs or banked
match; these costs should be listed as leveraged funds, but cannot be counted as

Wisconsin Great Lakes Area of Concern Land Acquisition Grant proposals must be
received by the Wisconsin Coastal Management Program (WCMP) no later than
Monday, February 23, 2015.

How to Apply:
Proposals must follow the Application Template provided at
To apply, submit one original and four copies of the application, and an electronic version
of the application by the Wisconsin deadline of Monday, February 23, 2015. The
electronic version may be sent on CD/flash drive along with the hard copies, or via email
to Mail or deliver the application to:
Wisconsin Coastal Management Program
Great Lakes AOC Grant Competition
Dept. of Administration
101 E. Wilson St., 9th Fl.
Madison, WI 53703
Complete information about the Great Lakes AOC grant competition is available at the
WCMP website
Applicants are strongly encouraged to contact the WCMP prior to deciding to apply to
this grant competition. For further information about the Wisconsin application process,
and to discuss potential projects, please contact Travis Olson at the Wisconsin Coastal
Management Program: 608-266-3687 or Website: