South Shore Park Watch February 10th meeting

Just a reminder that we will be meeting one week from now on Tuesday, February 10th at 7 pm at the South Shore Park Pavilion. Our group has been hibernating over the winter but is ready to plan for the next year! Bring your ideas and thoughts for 2015 programming and events.

Also we will have a special guest Milwaukee County Parks Director John Dargle. He will brief us on:

-beach improvement-parking lot concept plan

-operational plan

-forthcoming  pavilion and concession improvements

This is a good opportunity to chat with John and let him know anything else that Milwaukee County Parks should be considering re: South Shore Park.

The other agenda item is the name change decision. At our October meeting, the group voted to change the name of South Shore Park Watch to better reflect the comprehensive mission of our organization. Suggestions for a new name included:

Friends of South Shore Park
South Shore Park Friends

If you have another suggestion for the new name, please email back your idea or share that idea at the Feb. 10th meeting. We will vote on the new name at that meeting.

Categorized: AOC