Gurda “Built on Water” lecture now on-line!

This fall John Gurda’s Built on Water lecture tour traveled throughout the greater Milwaukee region reaching almost one thousand individuals with many important messages about our relationship with our rivers and lakes and our role in Milw aukee’s water history.   You can now watch the video of John’s final lecture at Discovery World’s Center for Public […]


Water Management Technology Institute Presenting Training Programs, December 5

Water Management Technology Institute Presenting Training Programs, December 5 Water Management Technology Institute will run two training programs on December 5 — Providing Tomorrow’s Wastewater Infrastructure Needs with Today’s Funding and Operator Training & Empowerment. Participants can receive up to 4 PDHs from the University of Wisconsin – Milwaukee for participation in these programs. There […]


Sweet Water’s 2013 Water Quality Mini-Grant Program RFP

Sweet Water is now seeking submissions for its 2013 Water Quality Mini-Grant Program.  Follow this link for the RFP.  The deadline for submissions is November 15. The program will provide grants of $1,000 – $5,000 to established non-profit organizations, community and civic groups for projects or activities which advance the following goals: To make measurable […]


Sweet Water’s 10th Annual Clean Rivers, Clean Lake Conference

Sweet Water is issuing this request for presentations from interested applicants who would like to lead a workshop session at the 10th Annual Clean Rivers, Clean Lake Conference, planned for May 1, 2014. Each year, the Clean Rivers, Clean Lake Conference gathers a diverse group of more than 300 participants to learn about key water […]


Revitalizing Local Waterfront Economies

The Great Lakes Legacy Act video welcomes people and partners to the benefits of restoring degraded rivers, harbors, and lakes.  The video explains and personalizes the GLLA sediment cleanup process. Visit to watch or to order a copy for yourself!


Fall Bird Banding in Milwaukee this September

Sept 17: 6:00 am-12:00 pm. Menomonee Valley, 3700 W. Pierce, Milwaukee, WI. Join Urban Ecology Center research scientists for early-morning mist-netting sessions as they study Menomonee Valley’s migrating songbirds. Jennifer Callaghan Free. Donations appreciated.